In the last issue we covered chlorine, the different kinds and dosing. In this issue I would like to explain why the salt chlorination
Swimming pools – Algaecides – Sanitizers
Algaecides – Sanitizers In my last article I covered some basics on water treatment and how I go about clearing up the supply into your house. Recently I have been monitoring some customer’s backwash water from P.O.E. “Pre House Filters” and what I have seen is disturbing. I have stopped
Swimming Pool Water Balance
. Swimming Pool Water Balance Over the next few issues “Steve Johnson” the Managing Director of “WET” Water Engineered Technologies (Thailand) will be writing about swimming pools & water issues in general. Steve has extensive experience in the Commercial & Domestic Swimming Pool & Water Filtration areas. The chemistry of
Swimming pools in Thailand
Swimming Pools in Thailand WARNING “Ignorance is bliss” until it cost you money. Make no bones about it! My business relies on builders & backyard Charlie’s that build Swimming Pools in Thailand. I can’t believe the amount of complete crap I have heard over the last few months in regards
Acid Rain
Acid Rain The term Acid rain or more accurately acid precipitation is commonly used to mean the deposition of acidic components in rain, snow, dew, or dry particles. Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are emitted into the atmosphere, undergo chemical transformations, and are absorbed by water
Water Project
Water project – “Drinking Water” Lately I have had the pleasure of starting a water project at a Monastery & school in Chantebury a couple of hours south of Pattaya. At the same time I inspected 4 schools in the area with the intention of doing the same. This is
Safe Drinking Water
Safe Drinking Water Safe Drinking Water is water that is intended to be ingested by humans. Water of sufficient quality to serve as drinking water is termed potable water whether it is used as such or not. Although many sources are utilised by humans, some contain disease vectors or pathogens
Water Management Part 2
Water management Over the last few weeks I have been getting quite a few enquiries for renovation of swimming pools and water management. Pattaya has many old swimming pools and a lot of them are suffering of old age. I am actually surprised at what I have been encountering. Mostly
Water Management
Water Management Recently my company installed an Oil Separator at one of the new facilities at Laem Chabang Port. This system was one of many I looked at from around the world. Once I started my research into these systems I was amazed at the ingenuity that had been applied
Drinking Water
One of my customers had a drinking water R O (Reverse Osmosis) system installed on his house in Pattaya, Thailand. The water was from a well and the TDS level (Total Dissolved solids) was at around 2000 ppm. This is way above the recommended ceiling of 500 ppm. It is
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